Some Basic Rules For Doing Yoga

1. Wear comfortable clothes. Ideally, your feet should be bare.
2. Yoga is not about achieving a certain position or how far you can stretch or bend. It is about moving from position to position and holding that position.
3. Try to hold every position for at least ten breaths.
4. When you're doing yoga, don't let the outside world intrude. Forget about the big test tomorrow or the big project at work. Clear you mind and concentrate on your breath.
5. Concentrate on your breath. Just breath in and out. No matter what you do, don't forget your breath.
6. Move around to find the way a position is most comfortable for you. If you find a comfortable position, hold it for as long as you like. By the same token, if a position is uncomfortable feel free to move on to another position.
7. Turn on some relaxing music (no words) and dim the lights.

Now you're ready to move on to the warmup.

Technically, women should not do inverted positions (like standing on you head) when they are having their period. However, my yoga teacher is a nursing major and says that this has no negative effects, so it's up to you to decide whether you are to abide by this or not.

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